Distinguished guests, ladies, and gentlemen, I extend a very warm welcome to you all this beautiful morning. Thank you for your presence today as we embark on another chapter in the WISCAR journey. The journey towards the increased development and empowerment of women, the projection of women’s voices, and enhancement of the potential of women to be part of the development of our people and the growth of our nation. Thank you for being with us at this 2023 WISCAR Annual Leadership and Mentoring Conference.

Your presence here today is, I believe, endorsement of WISCAR’s vision of empowering and nurturing women for personal growth and the greater good and development of our beloved nation. That so many remarkable and distinguished individuals and organisations have both encouraged and striven towards the realisation of that vision is indeed heartwarming. I am honoured to stand before such greatness and thank you most sincerely.

This event is testament to the great potential of sponsorship when appropriately deployed. It opens the door to the achievement of great strides and the attainment of lofty goals. You, our sponsors, and donors, continued to enable the realisation of WISCAR’s goals. As many of you know, the foremost system that WISCAR model and approach is founded on mentorship, in all its ramifications. But before I talk further about WISCAR’s operations, a little about our Nation’s polity.

This was election year, and we are all witness to the inauguration of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu as the 16 th President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. As with all elections, there are always those who feel they or their candidates ought to have won. However, the Courts have adjudicated on the Presidential election and have almost concluded their decisions on other disputed polls. After that, all those interested can come back for the 2027 polls. We must now Unite as a nation and forge ahead. It is on that note that I must express disappointment at the paltry number of women who succeeded in the 2023 polls.

In the run up to the elections this year, WISCAR, in collaboration with our 2022 Distinguished WISCAR Awardee, Ngozi Chimamanda Adichie, initiated a fundraising campaign to support a select number of female candidates drawn from the six geopolitical zones. To certify the non- partisan nature of that intervention, the women supported were drawn from across all the known political parties involved in the polls. With just two months to the polls, WISCAR and Ngozi Chimamanda Adichie managed to raise a meaningful amount in donations and to distribute them equitably to the selected candidates.

Unfortunately, only one of the candidates thus supported succeeded in her contest. We congratulate Senator Ireti Kingibe, representing the Federal Capital Territory Senatorial District for her hard work and success. We applaud the effort and courage of Hawwah Gambo, Joyce Daniels, Adeola Azeez, Simi Olusola, Aisatu Binani and many other women who stepped forward to contest the polls. We hope they will run again in 2027.

However, we must note the stark reality of the dismal level of female representation in the legislative bodies, both Federal and in the States. In the 10th Assembly, women hold a mere 2.7% of Senate seats (3 out of 109 seats) and 4.7% of House of Representatives seats, collectively amounting to just 4.2% (17 out of 360 seats). Over seven general election cycles since 1999, the number of women in the Senate has dropped to what it was at Nigeria’s return to democracy in 1999. With the current figures for the 10 th Assembly, Nigeria remains at the bottom of the list in the ranking for the number of women in African Parliaments. Sadly, no woman at all was elected in 15 out of Nigeria’s 36 State Houses of Assembly.

A fundamental lesson that must be drawn from the situation is that politics cannot be an occasional affair. Women who wish to succeed in polls must commence preparations very early. Indeed, the time to start working towards the 2027 polls is now. We must stand in solidarity behind the female candidates.

WISCAR’s Programmes

Over the years, WISCAR has evolved and continued to grow, firmly rooted in the values of ethical leadership, mentorship, capacity building and an unwavering belief in the power of inclusion of women, youth, and people with disability.


Our flagship WIN-with-WISCAR Structured Mentoring Programmes have been meticulously crafted to cater to the diverse needs of our participants. WIN I is tailored for talented beginners in the workplace, WIN II is specifically designed for women aspiring to senior management roles, and WIN III is tailored to address the needs of women in senior management with aspirations for C-Suite, Executive Management, and Board positions. We focus on readiness!
We proudly celebrate the achievements of the graduating cohorts from WIN 1 & 2, while also acknowledging the ongoing journey of those in WIN 3. These exceptional women have not only articulated their career aspirations but have also demonstrated unparalleled commitment, determination, resilience, and adaptability – qualities required for leadership and success.

Grow and Learn Initiative (GLIN)

It gladdens our hearts to witness the WISCAR Alumni consistently giving back through the Grow and Learn Initiative (GLIN). This year the mentees of the WIN 2 program organized a one-day mentoring session with students from Gaskiya Senior College in Ijora-Badia, Lagos. This initiative had a profound impact, positively touching the lives of 150 girls.

Under our GLIN Project, WISCAR collaborated with the Lagos State Domestic and Sexual Violence Agency (DSVA), This collaboration yielded a noteworthy outcome, involving the engagement of students from The Lagos State Queens Club. The club's primary objective is to establish a sustainable social structure within educational institutions, challenging prevailing socio-cultural misconceptions, fostering empowered femininity, and initiating behavioural and attitudinal transformations among young girls in Lagos State. Thanks to the support from our mentees, we have successfully reached over 2,150 young girls.

Meet a WISCAR & HBC Career Series

This year has witnessed the continued triumph of our flagship WIN-with- WISCAR Mentoring Programmes, further amplified by the Meet-A- WISCAR (Mentoring Journeys) and the WISCAR/HBC Career Series. In one programme we highlighted three generations of mentoring. It exemplified the importance to the intergenerational mentoring 4 relationship, and it impact on leadership development, career progression and national development.

One session of our 2023 Meet-A-WISCAR series was themed “Women in Politics and Advocacy,” to highlight and give focus to the sobering outcomes of the 2023 general elections and to discuss next steps and the pathway forward. Our virtual panel featured: Adeola Azeez (Partner/West Africa Representative, Sigma Risk, SDP Candidate), Ayisha Osori (Activist/Author, Love Does Not Win Elections), and Dr. Abiola Akiyode-Afolabi (Founding Director, WARDC). Their insights provided a roadmap for others, facilitated by Abosede George-Ogan, Founder of WILAN Global, emphasizing the urgent need to change mindsets and raise awareness about the critical importance of women’s participation in politics. The message is clear, that women must play a pivotal role in advocating for change, not just in the political spheres but in the workplace, in also in social gatherings, in communities and within their homes.

In collaboration with our partner, Habiba Balogun Consulting, we have expanded our reach by offering programs accessible to the public, including masterclasses designed to empower individuals in navigating the challenges of a virtual world. This commitment to inclusivity and accessibility underscores our firm belief that empowerment should have no boundaries; a principle exemplified through the WISCAR/HBC Career Series.

Structured Book Reviews

This year, we enhanced our mentoring model and received encouraging feedback from mentees who harnessed the power of AI tools like Chat GPT and found inspiration through impactful books and learning resources to grow their businesses.

WISCAR Collaborations and Gender Advocacy

FCMB SheVentures Mentorship Programme

WISCAR’s dedication extends far beyond our flagship WIN-with- WISCAR Mentoring Programmes. We remain steadfast in our commitment to providing tailored mentoring programs to private sector organizations, building on our track record of success. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to FCMB for affording us the opportunity to execute their 9th Cycle of the SheVentures Mentorship Programme in 2023. Our pride in being part of the success stories of over 100 female SMEs impacted during this cycle knows no bounds. We have together impacted over 500 women and eagerly look forward to continuing this invaluable partnership in the years to come.

FCMB SheVentures Mentorship Programme

Our commitment at WISCAR extends beyond deploying programmes and initiatives; it is rooted in our dedication to creating sustainable impact and driving meaningful change. Through strengthened collaboration with the UN, in our capacity as Private Sector Liaison, we have achieved the following:

1. Private Sector Led Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Fund: In partnership with UN Women, WISCAR has taken the lead in establishing the Private Sector Led Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Fund in West and Central Africa. This groundbreaking initiative commits to investing USD 25 million over the first five years. Its objectives include raising awareness, preventing GBV, and providing effective response and interventions. The goal is to support 10,000 survivors, assist 50,000 at-risk women and girls, and guide 300 private sector firms in strengthening their GBV policies. This initiative operates collaboratively with the Government, Donors, Civil Society Organizations, and the Private Sector, emphasizing the power of collective action. Notable companies and individuals who have embraced this pioneering initiative as members of the High -Level Steering Committee include Sterling Bank/Sterling One Foundation, Ford Foundation, MTN Nigeria, Sahel Consulting, Access Bank, First Bank of Nigeria, IHS Towers, Yar’Adua Foundation, Professor Joy Ezeilo (SAN), Professor Ayo Atsenuwa, Hajiya Saudatu Mahdi, Etemore Glover, Kadaria Ahmed. Furthermore, essential resources such as fact sheets, advocacy toolkits, and campaign videos to raise awareness during engagements have been developed by UN Women and WISCAR.

2. Hosting Dr. Maxine Houinato, UN Women Regional Director: As part of a pioneering initiative, we welcomed Dr. Maxine Houinato, UN Women Regional Director for East and Central Africa, as well as West and Central Africa. Dr. Houinato emphasized during his visit that; "The Private Sector plays a pivotal role in advancing gender equality and women's empowerment." Commending the Nigerian Private Sector for its unwavering commitment to addressing GBV, this meeting aimed to foster collaboration, galvanise action and strengthen the impact of this critical initiative.

3. Hosting the Africa Regional Dialogue in Lagos, Nigeria: Building on the momentum from the Regional Directors visit to advance GE and WE; In a groundbreaking move, UN Women and WISCAR hosted a pioneer Africa Regional Dialogue in Lagos, Nigeria. Delegates from eight African countries gathered to have crucial conversations and UNITE to end violence against women. A notable highlight was a field visit to First Bank of Nigeria, providing valuable insights into the strides they have taken to embrace the WEPs and foster women's inclusion. An insightful and comprehensive knowledge-sharing session moderated by Patience Ekeoba, UN Women was held that showcased great examples in the region, the results achieved, and challenges faced in implementing gender-responsive principles, mechanisms, and tools.

4. Gender-Responsive Procurement: WISCAR, in collaboration with UN Women and the African Development Bank, championed Gender-Responsive Procurement—a strategic approach to consciously source goods, services, and works from women owned ow women led businesses in line with the Women Empowerment Principles. A CEOs Breakfast Roundtable on Gender-Responsive Procurement underscored the urgency to recognize and champion women's roles in supply chains, advocate for women-owned and led businesses, and launch the Private Sector Forum for Affirmative Procurement. WEMA BANK and FSDH Merchant Bank provided great examples of actions taken by private companies regarding gender-responsive procurement. We invite all organizations to join this forum and advance the agenda.

5. Endorsement of UN Women/UN Global Compact Women's Empowerment Principles: Our ongoing commitment revolves around garnering support for the Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs) established by UN Women and the UN Global Compact. These principles act as a guide for businesses committed to promoting gender equality and empowering women across various domains. Adhering to the WEPs signals a CEO's dedication to practices like equal pay, gender-inclusive supply chains, and a steadfast stance against workplace sexual harassment. We proudly count 150 companies among Nigerian signatories, achieved through collaborative efforts with various stakeholders. Our objective is to expand this network to 200 companies by February 2023. If your company has yet to endorse the WEPs, please reach out to olamide@wiscar.ng or Info@wiscar.ng and we will guide you through the endorsement process. Based on the progress made, WISCAR was invited twice by the UN Women Headquarters to share its strategies on encouraging companies from other countries to endorse the WEPs. We would like to thank every WEPs signatory and encourage others to sign on to grow their businesses. We thank you for embracing WEPs and for actively implementing its principles.

WISCAR Collaborations and Gender Advocacy

The Theme of this year's Annual Leadership and Mentoring Conference is "In Her Own Voice: Forging Ahead". We are at the midpoint to 2030. Yet, to date none of the SDG’s have been met. Our theme spotlights the crucial role of women in national development. It underscores the importance of women taking charge of their destiny, mobilizing, amplifying their voices, sharing their unique perspectives and experiences, and recognizing the exceptional strength and value they bring to the table in nation building.

"In Her Own Voice" symbolizes the empowerment of women to tell their own stories, eliminate barriers, and chart their own path to forge ahead. It represents a resounding call for women to embrace their power and agency, leadership and sisterhood in shaping their destinies.

"Forging Ahead" encapsulates the spirit of resilience, determination, and progress. It signifies a collective commitment to overcoming obstacles and advancing towards a future where women are an integral part of society and enjoy equal opportunities and representation in leadership across all spheres. Our emphasis on inclusive governance acknowledges that diverse perspectives enrich governance structures, leading to more sustainable and equitable outcomes.

Sustainable development is a cornerstone of this conference, reflecting our belief that true progress must encompass economic, social, and environmental aspects. Empowering women in various sectors contributes not only to gender equality but makes economic sense. It reduces poverty, creates jobs and enhances our collective prosperity.

"In Her Own Voice: Forging Ahead" serves as a rallying cry for solidarity and collective action. It acknowledges the transformative power of women's leadership and commits to building a future where every woman can contribute her unique voice to the collective narrative of progress. In the words of Mathias Schmale from the EU, "When you shine a spotlight on women's empowerment, everyone's life will be better."

Keynote Speaker

I am pleased to introduce our keynote speaker for this year's conference. She is a remarkable individual whose journey has been marked by relentless dreaming and an enduring commitment to reshape the African narrative. One of her cherished quotes is, 'Never stop dreaming; it's your inherent right that nobody can take away, regardless of your location.'

Motivated by a deep desire to transform perceptions about Africa, our keynote speaker has engaged in thought-provoking conversations about the continent's challenges, presenting the African story in a contemporary and captivating manner. Through her endeavours, she has actively worked to break down stereotypes, celebrating the resilience and talent inherent in Africans. Mo Abudu stands as a guardian of authenticity, a bridge builder, and a beacon of inclusivity and diversity in an industry she has passionately shaped with her narrative with her own voice as she continues to forge ahead.

Today, we proudly welcome Mo’ Abudu as the 12th Distinguished WISCAR Award Recipient. Mo Abudu, we are delighted and excited to have you in our midst. We take pride in the significant strides you have made, and we consider it an honour to be associated with your impactful work. We look forward to listening to you, learning from you, and drawing inspiration from your journey.


Today holds immense significance as we unveil the WISCAR Hub—an embodiment of our commitment to continuous innovation and improvement in delivering value to our stakeholders. The WISCAR Membership Hub, scheduled to go live on January 1, 2024, complements our membership and mentorship offerings, providing a secure and exclusive platform for WISCAR Members to engage with each other. A live demonstration during this event will showcase the seamless functionality and benefits of the WISCAR Hub.

Professor Grace Alele-Williams Alumni Impact Award

Last year, we initiated the Professor Grace Alele-Williams Alumni Impact Award to immortalise the memory of a National Icon upon whom we bestowed a lifetime award, albeit posthumously. After a thorough review of nominations from our WISCAR community, we are delighted to announce a truly deserving awardee. Shortly, we will unveil and celebrate this remarkable individual who embodies the spirit of the late Professor Grace Alele–Williams.


Our profound gratitude extends to the pillars of support within the WISCAR community—our esteemed WISCAR Patrons, Advisory Board Members, Committee Chairs and Members, Mentors, 2023 Resource Persons and Facilitators, and Donors and Sponsors. Each of you has played an invaluable role, contributing significantly to WISCAR’s work and the empowerment of women.

A special acknowledgment goes to the members of the 2023 Conference Planning Committee and the 2023 Fundraising Committee, spearheaded by Tokunboh George-Taylor and Bukola Smith, respectively. Your hard work, dedication, and sacrifices in these challenging times have been pivotal in ensuring the delivery of yet another successful conference.

Our heartfelt appreciation extends to the entire WISCAR Team, for their unwavering commitment to the vision of WISCAR. This year marked a period of transitions within the WISCAR team, and we express our gratitude to the team for navigating the changes. We also welcome Ms Afiniki Mangzha, WISCAR’s new Executive Secretary to the team – we look forward to all the positive and giant strides you will take at WISCAR.

In our deliberations today, we pay tribute to our HeForShe allies—the wind beneath our wings, contributing to creating a kinder and better world. It is crucial to acknowledge that these changes were not solely the result of women's efforts. Good men also played a role—men who hired women, passed laws to empower women, funded women, voted for women and held other men accountable for their violence against women. Therefore, regardless of your gender or your field of work, women's equality must be a central focus of our collective efforts.

Achieving gender equality is our shared responsibility. We honour those who selflessly give of themselves, paving the way for future generations to benefit from their sacrifices. Our applause goes to women who are intentional in their pursuit of success, seeking to be heard and respected. We celebrate those who stand firm for what is right, fair, and just—champions of change.

In reflecting on the past, we acknowledge and celebrate those who paved the way for us on whose shoulders we stand, those in our midst whom we admire and look up to, and those who will follow in our footsteps. Each one, in their unique voice, forges ahead, adding to the collective strength and resilience of women everywhere.

Activism Against Gender Based Violence

This conference takes place during the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence. The 2023 UNiTE campaign theme is: "Invest to Prevent Violence Against Women & Girls." In affirmation of this message, please stand and join me in raising your hands to say, ‘UNiTE to End violence against women’.

Thank you and may our collective efforts remain blessed!

Amina Oyagbola
www.wiscar.ng December 9, 2023

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