Are you a woman with 10 years and above work experience? Are you looking to build your competence to enable you to thrive in the world of work and achieve a C-Suite role in record time? Then the WISCAR WIN 3 Programme is for you.
Over a period of 3 months, you can expect to receive guidance to navigate your chosen career pathway with minimum pitfalls, and with a support network ready to guide and cheer you on.
To learn more about the programme please send a WhatsApp message to 08066452894 or email
Dear applicant, welcome to the WIN 3 Programme. Please note that all fields marked with asterisks * are mandatory, and the application process will take approximately 1 hour from start to finish. You will also be required to upload a copy of your CV, one letter from a Referee and a profile picture at the end to complete your application. It is thus advisable you have them at hand ready to upload. Kindly note and adhere to the fields that require a minimum word count as failure to observe may delay the processing of your application.