Social Media Week
WISCAR, an organization focused on empowering and developing women to contribute to development and growth in Nigeria and Africa was delighted to host a panel discussion on the topic “Forces for Change”; Technology as a Tool for Accelerating a Culture of Diversity and Inclusion” at the 2020 Social Media Week Lagos themed “HUMAN.X”. The SMW […]
Amina Oyagbola’s Passion: Forging a Path for Working Women in Nigeria through WISCAR.
Amina Oyagbola, former MTN Executive and renowned Business Leader, radiates a calmness that disarms you at every encounter. But peel away the layers of gentility and you are left with a woman of an uncommon steely resolve. Having noticed an alarming absence of women at the top rudder of corporate Nigeria, Oyagbola took upon herself […]
Imagine the strength of a woman?
#IAmAPowerWoman Ever imagined the strength of a woman? Think about it. She builds homes, births nations and is always willing to draw from her inexhaustible reservoir of strength just to keep the world moving. And when it comes to the corporate world where only the best survive, Women still manage to stand tall. So, it […]
WISCAR holds 2018 Annual Conference; urges women to inspire the next generation with their stories
November 24, 2018, Lagos, Nigeria: As part of efforts to inspire and motivate women to tell their stories and aspire for greatness and a successful future; Women in Successful Careers (WISCAR), a non-profit organization focused on empowering and developing professional women in diverse careers, has successfully organized its 11th Annual Leadership and Mentoring conference. The […]
Shaping the Future of Nigeria’s Workforce
2017 is almost at an end and while many are looking for entertainment shows to usher out the year, WISCAR (Women In Successful Careers) is ushering in the festive season with a high-powered event for individuals who want to have a successful career. WISCAR is a non-profit organization focused on empowering and developing professional women […]
Work Life Balance Series: Winning in Both Works
Work life’ balance refers to an employee’s ability to maintain a healthy balance between their work roles, their personal responsibilities, and family life. According to There is no one fit all definition, achieving work life balance requires a good level of fluidity. The right balance for you today would possibly be different from what […]
WISCAR @ the Talent Agenda Series – West Africa
Our opinion on the following key issues. State of the nation on diversity and inclusivity – how are we doing? We are not doing very well from below statistics: 2013 Gender in Nigeria Report, majority of Nigerian women are unable to add extra to family earnings. In politics- the current 8th National Assembly- 7 female […]
What do Women in Nigeria Need. What is the change they want to see?
Talking points amalgamated from comments from the WISCAR Alumni and Mentees. Questions posed What is the change that professional/entrepreneurial women want to see in their workplaces? What change do we want to see at the grass roots level? How can women become more involved in nation building? What is our call to action? In the […]
Hillary Clinton’s full DNC speech (Entire speech)
Hillary Clinton made history at the Democratic National Convention when she became the first woman to become a presidential nominee from a major political party.
Theresa May Emerge Britain’s second female Prime Minister
In what we describe as taking giant strides to become a powerful figure in the political sphere with stance on general issues concerning the world at large, women have continued to take the lead in the major facets of life.