July 2018 Meet-A-WISCAR Series

Introduction and Overview
The July Meet-a-WISCAR series held on Saturday 28th July 2018 at Access Bank, Plot 1665 Oyin Jolayemi street, Victoria Island, Lagos. The 3- hour event which attracted over a hundred women and men from the private, governance and political sectors featured key discussions on Promoting Inclusive Governance in Nigeria.

The objectives of the series were;

  • To enlighten women on the power they have to influence and contribute to our Country’s decision-making process.
  • To encourage participants to commit to the various calls to action raised at the event.
  • To create awareness on the various ways women can participate in governance and to encourage women to get involved and actively participate as citizens.
  • To challenge and dispel the institutional and cultural barriers that have discouraged women from actually participating in politics.
  • To make the case for progress and national development when women and youth are actively included in governance and politics.

Welcome and Keynote Address
The Founder/Chairperson of WISCAR, Mrs. Amina Oyagbola, gave the welcome address. She stated that the event aimed at driving conversations on how to create an enabling environment that enables women to aspire to positions of leadership in governance and politics. She explained that this was particularly important because the opportunities to promote and enforce gender related laws and policies can only happen when we have women in governance leading and pushing the agenda.

The Keynote address was delivered by Mrs. Hafsat Abiola-Costello. In her address, she shared personal stories on the significant role her mother, the late Kudirat Abiola played in the journey to secure a peaceful transition to democracy for Nigeria. The story of her mother demonstrates the critical role of women in our polity and the enormous influence women can have when enabled and empowered to the benefit of both men and women.

Presentations & Discussions.
The presentations were delivered informally in a ted-talk format and the 4 distinguished guest speakers gave insights on the following topics:

1. ‘Making Our Voices Count- Exercising Our Right to Vote’ – Yemi Adamolekun, Enough is Enough Nigeria
2. ‘The Citizen Advocate’ – Habiba Balogun, Lagos Chapter Bring Back our Girls
3. ‘Strength in Numbers’ – Changing the Status Quo- Abosede George-Ogan, Women In Politics NG
4. ‘Citizenship and Political Participation’ – Toyosi Akerele-Ogunsiji, Rise Networks

The event was also attended by two formidable women in politics. Dr. Rosemary Elishama Ideh one of the 2019 female Presidential Aspirants, and Mrs. Bolanle Sarumi- Aliyu the only female 2019 Governorship Aspirant for Oyo State, both walking the talk.

Key points from the panel discussions include;

  • Whenever women refuse to be counted, they leave themselves open for relegation to the background and invariably give the platform to their male counterparts on a platter of gold.
  • Demand accountability and transparency from Government.
  • We may complain till the cows come home. If we do not step up and take responsibility for the change we want to see, nothing will change.
  • Having a girl child is as important as having a male child. We must change the African narrative that places more value on men over women.
  • Women must rise above their personal and superficial differences to actively support one another.
  • There is ultimately strength in numbers.
  • There is an urgent need to document our stories. We must document women’s successes and the stories of our heroes and role-models to inspire others.
  • If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together.
  • We must stay focused on our goal to make Nigeria great again.
  • Women must go into politics as a community and as a team and stand together. Together, We Achieve More!
  • We want to live in a country where the safety and security of life and property of all citizens is taken seriously.
  • In our homes, we need to start raising boys who are brought up to respect girls.
  • We need to frustrate tradition with creativity, by bringing our uniqueness, sensitivity, skill, strength, vigour and compassion to the table to transform our Nation.
  • We are all standing on the shoulders of strong women in history who have fought fearlessly to give us a voice and we must step forward, actively participate and get involved in governance.

You can get actively involved by;

1. Getting your PVC & Voting
2. Contesting for a political office
3. Financially supporting credible female political aspirants or a leader of your choice
4. Promote the activities of women through social media
5. Joining a Political Party
6. Taking up political appointments
7. Join the movement to promote inclusive governance

Call to Action
The following were the agreed calls to action;

1. Join a Political party
2. Get your PVC & Use it Wisely
3. Join the movement- Support a Woman contesting for a Political Position
4. Your Inaction is already an Action. Get Engaged & Be actively involved.
5. When a Woman Wins Everybody Wins – Support a Woman in Politics today!

Lessons from The Film 50/50.

In the course of the event a 20minute short-film 50/50 was shown to rousing applause. Below are a few of the lessons from the film;

  • Women need mentors. A mentor is someone who helps somebody else find their own path, and mentors are all around us.
  • Power is leadership but also love, empathy, and the opportunity to find your own path.
  • If we want to be alive to witness a more equal world, we have to accelerate the pace of change.
  • When you get to the top of the mountain, take in the view, you’ll see that there’s room enough to pull the next the woman up.

Conclusion and Appreciation
Our venue partners Access Bank W Community, represented by Ms. Abiola Nejo presented copies of the Power of 100 to the Keynote Speaker expressing appreciation for her work and that of her mother as captured in the book. Notices and information around applications for the 2019 WISCAR Mentoring programme, the Annual Conference scheduled for the 24th of November 2018 and call for support for WISCAR was taken by the WISCAR Executive Secretary Mrs. Fabia Ogunmekan. The event concluded with audience appreciation by the WISCAR Founder and presentation of Certificates of Appreciation to all the guest speakers.

Mrs. Amina Oyagbola

Chairperson/Founder WISCAR

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